
First you need to get a suitable gem, have a bard sing to fairly expensive gems and any gem that can be imbedded can be used. Any imbeddable gem will work, but if it isn't at least fairly valuable you will have penalties that make it nearly impossible.

Buy a Grot t'kel potion(or smelly potion from teras, same thing) and POUR POTION ON MY <GEM>.

You should get this message:

>pour potion on my emer
>You pour your potion on the emerald.
You carefully work the liquid in until it is all absorbed.
You have 2 doses left.

Except using a grot potion, you only get 1 pour, so it'll give you a short message of the potion poofing

Now you PREP 517 and CAST <gem>
You should see:
You gesture at an emerald.
The emerald quickly expands into a blue pulsating orb!
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.

If you get a different message, like "You have not prepared a suitable gem" or something like that, then you messed up one of the preceding steps.
Now, you PREP 517 and CAST ORB
You'll get the message:
>prep 517
cast orb
>You concentrate on the Charge Item spell...
Your spell is ready.
You gesture over the pulsating orb while muttering a few arcane phrases.
The orb resonates in response to each of your gestures and words.
It grows in size!
There is a hidden roll here based on level, magic item use, and total spell ranks
Several things can occur here, if "It grows in size" is replaced with "It shrinks somewhat" then you've had a minor failure and its not a big deal, "The pulsating orb explodes in a lingering display of smoke" you've had a major failure and that orb is ruined.

Continue PREP 517, CAST ORB, until you get the message:
>prep 517
>cast orb
>You concentrate on the Charge Item spell...
Your spell is ready.
You gesture over the pulsating orb while muttering a few arcane phrases.
The orb resonates in response to each of your gestures and words.
It shines brightly for a moment, flickering in color and humming tones of enchantment!

This means the orb is ready to start charging, Hold the item you need to recharge in your right hand and RUB ORB. Now, it'll take all of you current mana and funnel it into the item, giving you a number of charges equal to the mana divided by the level of the spell.(i.e. You have 105 mana when you rub the orb, your charging the spell 405. being a fifth level spell, with 105 mana, 105/5 = 21 charges) Since you'll be charging a blue crystal, you'll get 1 charge per every 17 mana.(so to add 40 charges, you'll need 680 mana). You can continue to rub the orb as you get mana to add charges, or you can switch the item your charging by holding the new item in your
right hand. There is also a hidden roll here, but it is very very unlikely to have anything bad happen. You may get the message "You are unable to properly channel the flows of magic" this just means you fumbled the roll(got a 1), you don't lose any mana or anything so just rub the orb again. It could also happen that the item your using explodes, causing your mana to drop to -50 and giving you level 3 nerves and you lose the item, but not the orb(though you need to get healed before you can continue using the orb).

This is very rare, and mostly dependant on age and the value of the gem used. I've been charging for a good 70 trainings and it has happened to me twice in my life.

Every minute or so you'll get the message:

The pulsating orb shrinks somewhat.

When this happens just PREP 517 and CAST ORB, and start the process over until it shines with the tones of enchantment again. This will only take 1 cast this time unless you get a minor failure.

The orb lasts from 5 minutes to 17 minutes, modified by the value of the gem used. violet/green sapphires last only 5-7 minutes, while firestones from teras last 13-17 minutes. Diamonds and emeralds are somewhere in the range of 7-15. The more expensive the diamond or emerald, the closer to 15 minutes.

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