
Here are the links, and I have very very little of them. That's because I think most of the websites out there are made by people who want Gemstone to extend over the Internet and bring a whole story line to their website. I am not into that kind of thing. I think the Internet should be totally out of character and Gemstone should be in character. But what do I know? These sites either have a lot of information on them, or have links to the information needed. The Gemstone III official website is not on here because it is really bad. It really has no information on it and is annoying to navigate. I suggest one of the ones listed below.

-Gemstone III News
This is a great website because it has a lot of loyal players who submit news all the time. Lately they have been going off with people leaving the lands which makes it a bit of an editorial. But for the most part it is a well made, informative website.
-Tsoran's Maps
Well made maps. He is the only one who does it so if you do not like his, you are out of luck.
Relkur made a server and put a bunch of websites on it. Really the only ones worth looking at are Tsoran's and Relkur's.
-Alixi's Home
A lot of guides. A bit disorganized, but an informative site nonetheless.

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