My Opinion

Alright. I have been a wizard for quite a while now and I have screwed it up many times before too. It took me a while to get it right, but I finally have a character I am happy with. Just about everyone messes up their first character of a new class, but that is good. You will not make the same mistakes again. Ok, here is my opinion.


Like I said in the training section, there are just some things you have to train in to be a successful wizard. Then there are other training options that make all wizards unique. Such as the spells one takes, climbing, perception, physical, edged weapons training, as well as many others. First, as far as spells are concerned, I went for 513, then to 410, then 518. All the while I constantly trained in the 900 circle. Then I went for 430 and continued to train in that circle to strengthen my 425 and 430, which are partially based on how many ranks in the 400s circle you have. I eventually got all the spells, but always kept up with the 400s.

As far as climbing, perception and swimming go, train in them sparingly. People will tell you these are crucial, and they are right to some extent. They are good skills to have, but if you have to choose between that and triple training in spell research, triple all the way. If you want to hunt in Pinefar, you are going to want at least 8 climb trains and 8 perception trains. People will tell you that you will never make it, and they are right if you do not prepare yourself for the climb first. If a climb test is to be made always make sure you have 507 and 509 up, your weapon away, and you are in offensive stance. These will affect your climb greatly.

Physical Training and Scroll Reading are really up to you. I went for my maximum hit points but it is perfectly acceptable to take about a 10-20 train break on it and get some more spells. You really do not need many more hit points past 80 but they are always good to have, just in case. Scroll reading you are going to want 28 trains of as soon as you turn 24. This will be explained below in the hunting section.

For race, you are going to want to be a halfling. There is just no other race to be. We get many bonuses for being a halfling and being a wizard. +15 casting AS, huge racial bonuses against warding attacks, you just cannot go wrong with halflings. So many people tell me not to be a halfling because they cannot carry all that much. In reality, we can carry all we need. 509, 511, and the technique of dropping coins and picking them up after you have gotten your desired item off the ground will be your friends and will give you those few extra pounds you need to carry that last box.


It is funny because some people hate me for doing this, but I love power hunting. I get so irritated when I have to kill more than about 9 of a certain creature to get fried. I do not like to get arrogant in how I always hunt at least 15 levels above me, I just like the fact that I am killing something that is a challange to me and there is a good possibility that I will die every time I go out. I do not know why people get so annoyed at this logic but you just have to ignore that nonsense. This schedule should be pretty good for someone who wants to powerhunt as well.

I hunted rats until 4 because I got the spell stun cloud then, but that spell is not implemented anymore. Still, until about level 4 rats are good because there is always a constant flow of them into the area. Even though you much older than them you will get fried really fast from them. Now that minor acid is 904, hobgoblins are good to hunt till about 6 after that. Wands are great until you get rid of your prep time on your spells. Then at 6 or 7 manticores will hold you until you get to 10. After that you get into real hunting. Arch wights in Castle Anwyn will do you until about 17 or 18. After that warfarers are alright to hunt until you can enter the Broken Lands. This is where the 28 scroll reading trains at 24 comes in. You need that to read the runes which take you into the Broken Lands. You can death cloud in figures and make really good experience on that. At first you are going to need a spiritual spell hook up or they will put their sorcerer skills on you and that will dispatch you quite promptly. Generally you want to have about a 200 TD when you go in there. You can get away with less, but I would not recommend that. If one spell wears off and there is a swarm with e-waves flying all over the place you are not even going to have a chance to see it coming, your death that is. That place should hold you for a while. They have Sheruvians in there and myklians, and when you get bored you can try out Darkstone, although that place is a bit more for swingers. I like the Broken Lands so much because it is more geared towards casters. After you outgrow those areas, its basically up to you. I left there at about 30. Pinefar and Teras will hold you down, among some other things in the Landing.

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