Sabotage the wizard.

It has come to my attention that people are confused with my guides. I will explain everything in this document about myself, Sabotage.

I will explain my character who is a pure spellcasting halfling wizard. I am very happy with my character who recently made legend. I think I am a potent hunter and an accomplished enchanter, all arrogance aside. I have never questioned whether I was the best I could be, and I have always been happy with Sabotage. If you want to get in on that, then come tap my guides to the fullest. If you think I am full of shit, I did not say you had to use them! People say to me how bad my guides are and that Tenser's and Celtic's are better. That is fine, if you want to be like them then be my guest. I am laying it out for you right here, so you know exactly what you are getting into when you use my guides. I will say again; I think I am a pretty good wizard all kidding aside. I do not have the best stats, but I seem to manage to triple train in spells about 4 out of every 5 trainings now so it seems training points are not that much of a problem. Here we go, here is Sabotage.

As I said, Sabotage recently became legend. Here were his stats at level 50.

Currently Stat Bonus
Constitution (CO): 61 .... 15
Dexterity (DE): 100 .... 40
Discipline (DI): 100 .... 20
Logic (LO): 85 .... 22
Intelligence (IN): 100 .... 35
Strength (ST): 55 .... -18
Reflexes (RE): 77 .... 23
Charisma (CH): 54 .... -13
Wisdom (WI): 64 .... 7
Aura (AU): 100 .... 20

The strength bonus is kind of a pain in the ass, but it is an acceptable loss. I had about a 640 when I started and I spent about 5 minutes rolling. Taking days to roll up a perfect character is for idiots. The stat placement I have is optimal for about level 20 or so. I never really cared that much about optimal characters because that is a waste of time. If you made a character that was optimal for level 40 or something like that, you are going to end up rerolling, I promise you. Being a wizard is hard, and even harder if you are too weak to use your wizard bolts when you title.

As for training, here it is:

Sabotage (at level 50), your skill bonuses and ranks are:
Skill Bonus Rank
Armor Use : 20 (4)
Shield Use : 151 (51)
Edged Weapons : 90 (20)
Climbing : 70 (15)
Swimming : 58 (12)
Perception : 114 (28)
Scroll Reading : 140 (40)
Magic Item Use : 140 (40)
Mana Sharing : 140 (40)
Spell Aiming : 201 (101) (Missing a train, that is what I get for playing until 6am and then training.)
Physical Training : 99 (23)

Your spell lists:
Major Elemental...18
Minor Elemental...70
Wizard Circle.....30

With this I have a CS of 309 and a spell AS of 343 with my hunting spells on. My DS ranges but is usually about 525 or so. What I need in terms of DS is what I am hunting cannot be able to hit me if I am in defensive. My TD also varies very widely but I would have to say the median would be 288. It works for Teras, although the Rift is going to be a problem, but that is a topic for another day. My hunting equipment includes the following: some supple black hunting leathers(+18, somewhat crit padded), a vultite wall shield(5x enchanted). I do not use a weapon because weapons cost money. Also, I do not really need one since I almost always maintain an offensive stance while I hunt. If I am forced to carry a weapon for the extra defense I use an ordinary butcher's cleaver that has been e-bladed(4x enchanted equivalent). I should get new equipment, or at least enchant my own equipment a little higher, but that takes time and I feel a little bad about enchanting something that high and not taking home a big fat note for the work. That is just me though. My training is for people who want to kick ass out in the field and pretty much nowhere else. I do not want to pick boxes, that is for rogues; I do not want to tender my wounds, that is for empaths to do; I do not want to catch people picking my pocket, that is why I bought closeable containers; I do not want to swing, that is for warriors. Basically what I am saying is that I want to kick a lot of ass as a wizard. I do not want to sacrifice my skills for some CM training that will matter nothing, because it always seems to be just too little trainings. My points go toward triple training and working on my CS. By the time I get to the Rift, I anticipate that I will be a most potent hunter. Granted I will not be able to do as many skills as another wizard who trained differently, but I will be a very good hunter and I am looking toward that.

I currently hunt pyrothags and have a really good time doing it. People bitch at me for hunting above my level, but I do not care. They are just mad because they cannot come close to matching my skill. Heh, but really, I have no idea why anyone cares, but they do. I have hunted above my level since I left rats and that is how I conclude to myself that I am a good hunter. I have mentioned this many times, but I think it is important that people understand this. I hunt above my level to push my character to the limit. If I am not doing that, I feel that I am not getting all I can out of Gemstone. Truthfully, hunting is my reason for playing Gemstone, and I want to have the best hunting experience I can get at my level. Several people mentioned how this is against policy, but that is entirely untrue. I personally asked Banthis on the message boards about whether uphunting was against policy or not, and he said no. He just said that if too many people are hunting like that in a certain area, he will be sure to make changes to the area to make it more difficult to hunt there.

Enchanting I am not as good at as hunting. That is mostly due to my insisting I get to the next level, and enchanting does not give me the experience I need. I will probably do it more when I get into my 70s and 80s, but for now I want to get a powerful wizard. I still consider myself pretty weak compared to the rest of the lands. Currently I can enchant up to about 7x. 6x and 7x are a real project though since the new infusing system came out. I like hunting more then enchanting anyway. It always seems like I am just wasting my time infusing and I should go get experience and money by hunting.

Well that is about it for me. Not that much to me I know, but what are you going to do? If I have left out anything, or you have a question about how I trained, or just anything about my character. I based my guides around Sabotage, and you have a right to know what you are in for. I am an open book, so do not be afraid to ask anything. Just email it to me.
