
This, like rolling, is very easy. The only choices you really have is in climbing, swimming, perception, and spells. Other than that everything else is pretty much repetition.

First and foremost, you must train twice in spell aiming and shield use. These are your attack and defense, so naturally you are going to want a lot of this.

Next you want to hook up with spells. Obviously you want as many as you can get of these as you can. Train at least twice in this and occationally triple. This will eat up most of your training points. When you get older, tripling will be more of a priority to increase your CS and AS through 425. But until you get there, you should not let tripling take priority over everything else. I am not going to even make any suggestions on how you should train in spells because truthfully it does not matter. As long as you keep up with the wizard circle, which is where you are going to be attacking from, you will be fine. The other circles all have something to offer, so go with whatever sounds good to you. You cannot go wrong as long as you are training in either minor or major elemental as you train in wizard.

Get 4 trains in armor use and that will be all you need forever. This is just so you can wear full leather and double leather effectively. Train in edged weapon use until about level 20. It adds to your defense but is not really needed past 20 trains. At that point it gets too expensive in training points to be considered beneficial to you.

Train once every time in scroll reading, magic item use, and mana sharing. These are inexpensive and are good to have. Mana share is crucial now to be able to sense the mana pool. The formula for that is; mana share + wizard ranks*2 > 200.

Train in physical about every train until you get max hit points, its just easier to get it out of the way first.

Then there is climbing, perception, and swimming. Not having a good climbing skill will kill you if you want to go to Pinefar. 10 trains makes it is possible to successfully take the climb. But this takes into consideration that you are not weighed down at all. Perception is good all round, mostly for spotting hidden entrances into hunting areas, and also helps in finding blue gems on glacei and ice elementals. Swimming is not as commonly used as climbing is but the principle is the same.

Its as easy as that. I have no idea why other guides have to be something like 12 pages.

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