
Here are the spells as they are for 4/22/99. Many of the spells are at the verge of change, and as soon as they are changed, likewise they will be changed on here too.

A few things a wizard should know is how to come up with with their Casting Strength(CS) This is done by multiplying their level X 3 + their aura bonus + number of spells in circle X 1 + Other spells not in that circle X .5 (be sure to round this number to the nearest 1). EXAMPLE:

level 16 X 3 = 48
11 spells in Major Elem. List X 1 = 11
23 spells NOT in Maj. Elem. X .5 = 12 (11.5 rounded)
Aura bonus = 14
Total = 85 CS
to determine your Magical Attack Strength EXAMPLE:

training points = 125
Dexterity bonus = 25
Total = 150 AS

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