Hello. The purpose of this page is simple; to provide a comprehensive guide to existing as a wizard in Gemstone 3. This page is dramatically out of character and lacks all the story line which most other sites on Gemstone have. This site has a no bullshit approach and will deeply offend those looking to take a mystical journey when looking for a guide on imbedding. When I give you these guides, I also assume one will use common sense in attempting the certain procedure. A lot of other sites assumes that the reader is stupid and totally ignorant. Not that thoroughness is a bad thing, but it does add quite a bit to the length of the document. Well now that you know what you are in for let me give you the categories.

A note about my site:
This site uses guides that are based on my character Sabotage and my experience as a wizard. I personally am satisfied with my character, and I think he is a good well-trained wizard. This is my personal opinion after spending several years in the lands. If you are trying to get in on some of that, then come use my guides. If you think Sabotage is a poorly trained wizard and a weak character, that is fine too. You do not have to use my guides, but I have some good experience as a wizard and I personally approve of them. Anyway, just so that you know exactly what you are getting into when you use these guides, here is a description of Sabotage.

Something that needs to be right to make a good wizard, as is the case with every other class. This section will cover the entire rolling process including initial rolls, races, allocation, and so on.
Again, as is the case with every other class in Gemstone 3, good training is key for a wizard. This section will cover every aspect of training including training points, spell research, among other items.
This is not the premier ability of wizards, but nonetheless we are among the few capable of imbedding certain spells into items. This guide is good because it takes what you really need to know. If you want to learn how to imbed in 3 minutes max, this is your guide. I do have to give it up to Bloodsnake for her extensive research on the matter, but that guide is a bit lengthily.
This ability is unique to wizards, and for good cause. This can be very helpful and can make a wizard very powerful. Many problems you once had simply go away once you learn this ability. As well as being probably the user-friendliest process to alter an item in the whole game. Great ability and easy to learn, what more could you want. Thanks to Hexoatl for putting all this shit down for me.
This guide was written by Lord Mithadris and Lord Marc, and I actually really like this guide. It tells you how to enchant although it leaves a lot up to the user to figure out. I think that is a really good way to learn how to go about this procedure. The guide is quite dated however and a new guide will be put in place of it once the new system is completed and presented to the public. Keep reading the message boards for updates on the new enchanting system.
-Enchanting (Short Version)
This guide was written by me, Sabotage. It contains the very basics to enchanting, and will allow you to get started in your enchanting career. It is really a simple process and you need not study for months to understand it. Enchanting is kind of like a computer. There is a lot to it, but with a very minimal understanding any fool could do it.
Here is a description of all the spells available to wizards. Looking over this list will help you plan out what spells you wand to train for in the early trainings.
-My opinion on Wizards
As just about everyone does, I have my own opinion on wizards. I am putting it in its own section so it does not get mixed up with the guides. Those are all fact, and this is all opinion. This is just so you do not have to sort through all the opinion in the guides to get to the facts.
Good Gemstone sites with useful information on them. You will find no mindless family history crap in these links. You can go elsewhere for those. It will not be hard, 90% of the Gemstone sites out there are packed with it.

Questions. Comments. It's all good and they are all welcome.

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